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RL World Cup Legacy Grant for Lions’ Foundation’s Jose Kenga Project!

06 January 2021

Swinton Lions Community Sports Foundation receive £2738.96 from the CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Legacy Programme!

The grant, which has been awarded to help more people play rugby league at grassroots level in Greater Manchester, will fund the club’s new Jose Kenga Diversity and Inclusion Project.

Swinton Lions Community Sports Foundation is set to receive £2738.96 from the CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme.

Delivered in partnership between RLWC2021, the sport’s national governing body, the Rugby Football League, Sport England and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, the CreatedBy programme is a funding pot of up to £10million made available by the government to support the legacy of the Rugby League World Cup by growing participation in the sport.

The funding will be used to facilitate a bespoke activity programme within the City of Salford and Borough of Trafford. It will provide participants a Diversity and Inclusion Workshop combined alongside a Rugby League playing opportunity across six Greater Manchester locations.

Damian Ridpath, Director of Development for the Swinton Lions Community Sports Foundation, said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this funding.

“Inspired by one of our key players, Jose Kenga, who was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it will facilitate an innovative programme which combines a bespoke workshop for young people linked with rugby league playing activities.

“The programme will also act as a catalyst for forming new community teams for both boys and girls and assist in the capturing new recruits for the next generation of young Lions.

“As the only professional team whose match day operations are based in the same borough as the World Cup Final itself, it is important to ensure that we provide a legacy for our sport within the Borough of Trafford, as well as providing opportunities within our historical home town of Swinton.”

Jon Dutton, Chief Executive, RLWC2021, said: “The CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme is focused on ensuring the next generation of rugby league players have the best possible experience and barriers to participate are removed.

“We are delighted to award this grant to Swinton Lions Community Sports Foundation and look forward to seeing the results of this investment that aims to deliver real change in their community.”

Ralph Rimmer, Chief Executive of the Rugby Football League, said: “Hosting the Rugby League World Cup in 2021 offers so many opportunities for everyone involved in the game in this country and beyond, and the facilities that will be delivered by the CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme will be a big part of that transformation.

“The RFL are proud to be involved in that process, and we congratulate all the successful applicants – and look forward to the impact of this unprecedented level of investment in the game for years to come.”

Charles Johnston, Property Director, Sport England, said: “We are proud to be working in partnership to deliver the biggest government investment into grassroots rugby league facilities the country has ever seen.

“With this funding, communities will gain better access to the facilities, improved infrastructure and essential equipment they need to be active.

“We are pleased the investment will provide benefit to people engaging in the men’s, women’s and wheelchair game, with a focus on those disadvantaged areas where inactivity levels are stubbornly high.

“By focusing our efforts on increasing participation in the game, we’re ensuring that the Rugby League World Cup’s legacy lasts long after the last ball has been kicked and the crowds have gone home.”

The Rugby League World Cup 2021 will kick off on 23 October 2021, with the men’s, women’s and wheelchair competitions taking place simultaneously, under one tournament banner for the first time.

Clubs, organisations and communities that run rugby league activities are encouraged to apply for this legacy funding by visiting www.rlwc2021.com/facilities. For further information visit their official social media channels, on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram



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