We're sponsored by Glossop Caravans


06 December 2020

Swinton Lions reveal our 2021 Away shirt, which will again be proudly worn by both our Lions and newly-formed Lionesses!

The choice of gold and red for our secondary kit is a deliberate celebration of the principle colours of the official Coat of Arms of Swinton and Pendlebury, which itself is featured in shadow on the front of the shirt.

The Borough’s Coat of Arms was first introduced in September 1934 alongside the town’s Royal Charter, at the start of a season which culminated in Swinton Lions being crowned champions of England for a fourth time.

A shield featuring a gold cockatrice, beneath a red lion passant and two red roses of Lancashire, is flanked by two rampant golden lions.

The red and gold Coat of Arms is topped by a Swinton boar’s head, all of which rides above the legend “Salus Populi Suprema Lex” – the welfare of the people is the highest law! An appropriate slogan with which to salute the dedication of our loyal fans.

This fresh and exciting kit is a nod to the modern era, but it is not without historical significance!

Our headline club sponsor is now GLOSSOP CARAVANS, whose logo is emblazoned across the front of the new design.

On the chest we also have the WHITE SWAN HOTEL of Swinton, and up on the collars CAMWAY INSTALLATIONS.

On the sleeves we feature ADVANCED STEEL SERVICES, TITAN STEEL, and our official travel partners SWAN’S TRAVEL.

On the reverse DAISYMILL TECHNOLOGIES will sit proudly above the player number, and beneath it we feature the logo of the magnificently successful supporter led organisation, PRIDE BUILDER.

Thank you once again to all of our club partners and sponsors!

Order your Replica shirt in time for Christmas by visiting the Swinton Lions Store

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://swintonlionsstore.com/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Sale FC
Primus Traffic Management
Glossop Caravans
Created by Rugby League World Cup England 2021
Camway Installations
Daisymill Technologies
Swinton Lions Supporters Trust