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26 April 2020

The Swinton Lions Supporters’ Trust provides the following update for supporters of the club.

Waiting Game – Lion and Cub by Dino Paravano

The above picture by Dino Paravano perfectly sums up our current situation for you, the Trust Board, the Swinton Lions’ Club, the game of rugby league and even the rest of the world at this time. 

I trust that this message finds you well and healthy but if not, I hope it provides you with the strength to get through this knowing we are here and that we are all in this together.
Like you I have never known times like these where what we do on a daily basis is governed and restricted in an attempt to keep a virus and its effects at bay and I trust that science will ultimately prevail and we can get on with a new form of normality in 2020 and beyond.
Whilst we have our own individual set of circumstances to deal with at this time, isolating on our own or with close family means that our normal interaction with our ‘Swinton Lions family’ in our normal weekly fix, is missing and will be affecting us all differently.
For those with access to social media and social interactive solutions via the internet means that you can still see what the Club are up to and you can communicate with your loved ones even seeing them at the same time! For those not so fortunate I’m sure the use of the trusty old telephone has again become a useful tool to chat to folk like we used to. Rest assured we are here for one another.
While we have been waiting for our collective future to change course the Trust albeit in a different format is still here, we have not been able to see you on match days, sell our and the club’s merchandise, see you at meetings or at our arranged fundraising events. All this means is that the time has and will be for the foreseeable one of preparation to ensure that we are here to support the Club when things change.
As our primary remit is to ensure we financially can support the club, we need to ensure that we keep on doing what we are good at. We are good at the rallying of support, sharing the good work of the club and of course fundraising and increasing our membership.
As a Director of the Club representing the Trust, I have and do where I can, continue to offer support to all my fellow Directors. We do exchange regular emails and WhatsApp messages normally daily and this means that we are at all times fully aware of current Club matters & decisions to be made and are importantly aware of RFL updates as they happen.
A massive thanks has to go to as ever to our ever-present Steve Wild who during these testing times is ensuring that this club is running as smoothly as possible, his commitment to the Club continues to be outstanding and with the support of those sorting the finances out and the other Directors we are ensuring that this club is in the best possible position for the future.
The Trust in addition to providing support financially will be able to meet our other objectives also as we are perfectly placed to work alongside the newly launched Lions Foundation being headed up by Damien and with Dana the club mascot will be ensuring that our future with our junior followers will be very bright and blue. Watch future releases on this…
We, the Trust Board, whilst wishing you well until we meet face to face again, still need your support in the meantime. Do what you always do…
How to follow the Trust
Online Facebook auction pagehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/255987278222803/
Visit our website: http://www.lionstrust.co.uk/
How to join the Trust
Get family members and friends to join the Trust by filling out the following Membership form: http://www.swintonlionstales.co.uk/zarchive/trust/TrustMembershipForm.pdf
You can set up a payment online by stating your name as a reference to Sort code 08-92-99 and account number 65093434 (and then get a copy of the completed form to us). Any additional donations, whatever the size, as always gratefully received.
Do you shop online?
Do it through here at no cost to you: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/swintonlionsst/
Keep in touch
Follow our fantastic Swinton Lions mascot, Dana the Lion #connect4champion
Follow what the club gets up to via our social media channels and the website which has and will be adding some fantastic content in coming weeks…
Wishing you all the very best and don’t forget ‘be healthy’ in order to face the future with the Lions family all together.
Regards and much Lions love
Trust Chair


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Swinton Lions Supporters Trust